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Table of Contents
- IMU Calibration
- IMU Calibration Routines
- Common
- Common (Auxilary) functions. Consist of some handy scripts for common tasks.
- Coning and Sculling
- Coning and Sculling Algorithms
- Examples 102
- Some miscellaneous navigation examples. For simple introductionary navigation examples look at the forward parts of the smoothers (e.g. smoother_2filt_fwd, bf_fwd etc). The examples in this section contain a little more than what you may require to write a simple INS.
- IMU Error Modeling
- Stochastic modeling of IMU short term (stability) errors. Contains scripts for both Allan variance and correlation based tools.
- INS initialization
- Routines for INS Initialization & Self Calibration
- INS Implementations
- Inertial navigation system implementations with different mechanization frames together with the corresponding system models
- Old Versions
- Depreciated scripts. They are not used any more. However, existing scripts may still call these functions
- Path Generators
- Path generators and IMU simulators
- PDA Navigation
- Basic navigation functions and utilities for smart phones
- Smoother and Kalman Filter Implementations
- Different smoother implementations. The forward parth of each example implements a different odometer, zupt and loosely coupled GPS aided INS with a Kalman filter. Some of the examples also demonstrates non-singular INS implementations for polar navigation.
- Transformation Functions
- Transformation functions and operators. These are used to transform a coordinate frame into another.
Last Updated: 03.August.2011